Transitioning to a new vendor doesn’t have to be complicated

SquashSkills needed a new technical partner that would ensure their online squash coaching platform kept up with business requirements and users’ needs. Leveraging our team’s communication skills and CTO capabilities, we prepared a detailed action plan and performed a smooth transition from the previous vendor. We then used our reverse-engineering skills to quickly become familiar with the custom platform and take it to the next level.

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Vitamin Software is now Cyber Essentials Plus certified

Under the watchful eye of our CISO, Vitamin Software implements cybersecurity best practices that enable us to keep sensitive data safe. Customers can entrust us with patient, legal, or consumer data and rest assured that we process it under the highest security standards.

We create a safe space where customers can focus on the essentials: building a solid business and generating revenue.

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How Vitamin partnered with IFPRI to scale an Investment Analyser that reached critical mass

IFPRI developed the Agricultural Investment for Development Analyzer (AIDA) – an innovative tool that helps governments and analysts design agricultural investment plans. Vitamin Software expanded AIDA to additional countries and provided a replicable process for IFPRI to manage the increase of country implementations.

This enabled IFPRI to grow AIDA from a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) to a flexible platform tailored to the governments' needs.

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How Vitamin Software Helped Thread Buy Clothes Just-in-Time

Thread (backed by YCombinator in 2012) is an e-commerce platform that uses Artificial Intelligence to innovate the online shopping experience. Using various methods to gather information about their customers’ fashion style preferences, Thread sends personalised outfit ideas that can be purchased directly by consumers.

To make the most of their business model, Thread uses a Just-In-Time (JIT) buying strategy that allows them to keep inventory costs to a minimum. Thread partnered with Vitamin to build intelligent robots using Robotic Process Automation that perform the task of buying products from some of their suppliers.

Vitamin Software helped set up, operate, and maintain JIT Shoppers that transfer orders placed by customers on Thread’s website further to suppliers, decreasing costs, delays, and errors. In addition, Vitamin Software optimized the ordering process for each supplier, lowering Thread’s shipping costs.

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Vitamin Software Launches Support Program for Women Entrepreneurs

We want to pay it forward to women that have inspired us, and encourage more women entrepreneurs and executives to join the ranks of the disruptors and innovators. As a result, effective immediately, we’re launching a support program for tech companies that are either women-owned or employ C-level female executives.

Our promise is simple: we’ll deploy the full power of the Vitamin machinery behind your idea / prototype (and we do have a very solid track record!), so that you can focus on growing your business and becoming successful.

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How Fraym and Vitamin Software partnered to find product-market fit for dataFraym

Fraym is a geospatial data company that brings innovation into decision-making processes of governments and private organizations. By usings machine learning to produce local-level consumer data, Fraym adds new dimensions to the way data is gathered and processed in emerging markets.

Fraym needed to make data available to customers in a centralised, visually powerful, customizable way. To achieve this goal, Fraym partnered with Vitamin Software to build a web-based tool that allows users to interact with geospatial data.

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Troy Medicare Partners With Vitamin Software To Build Secure, Real-time HIPAA-compliant Data Warehouse

Troy Medicare partnered with Vitamin Software to build a HIPAA-compliant data exchange system. Through this system, data from all partners in all sizes and formats is processed, cleaned, and stored in a data warehouse.

That means data from the TPA, PBM, CMS and providers, in various formats like X12 - 834, FHIR, HL7v2 (for DTRR, FEFD, HCCMODD, PDE, and P2P) is now centralised and available to Troy's staff.

The data warehouse runs on Amazon Web Services, leveraging its enterprise grade security and technologies like Elastic Beanstalk, RDS, Workspaces and Workdocs, Lambda, CloudWatch and CloudTrail.

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Vitamin’s 5th Birthday

Vitamin Software builds, operates and maintains robust and secure data integration between 2 systems. Our team is experienced with regulated environments (financial services, healthcare, legal). Vitamin Software is an Amazon Web Services (AWS) Partner Network Select Consulting Partner.

Over the past 5 years, we’ve learned three important lessons:

1. People Matter Most

2. It’s Never Simple Enough

3. Customers Don’t Want Code, They Want Products that Work

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