How Vitamin Saved $500K+ for SaaS Health Care Client by Optimizing Budget and Performance

Intending to launch an innovative two-faced app revolutionizing patient-pharmacist interactions, our client grappled with budget constraints, delayed timelines, and an intricate web of user stories at different stages. They recognized the need for efficiency and sought the Vitamin Team’s expertise to navigate these complexities. 

The Challenge of Prioritizing Features Within the Platform 

Before partnering with us, our client faced a critical juncture. Hindered by budget constraints and internal challenges, they needed to prioritize and define the scope of 100 user stories. The previous lack of regular project health checks led to the stories being blocked, essential information needed, and the looming launch date intensified the pressure. 

Digital Platform Servicing Pharmacies across the US

Our client, a prominent player in digital pharmacy solutions, aimed to create a transformative app. With a focus on enhancing pharmacist-patient relationships, the app is intended to streamline pharmacy operations, boost patient engagement, data collection and management, and facilitate essential services like vaccinations.

Why the Client Chose Vitamin Software

Our client chose us for our proven track record in delivering predictability in costs and timelines. Having worked together on a previous project, they valued our ability to provide accurate estimates, ensuring a smoother development process.

How Vitamin Software Responded 

In these situations, the first thing we do is a Sanity Check. That means comprehensively analyzing each user story's impact on patient outcomes, revenue, compliance, and overall design. Recognizing the urgency, we shifted from mere design updates to a strategic approach, focusing on prioritization, detail unblocking, and cost analysis. The final product of the Sanity Check was an executive report explicitly made for the CEO to empower him and his team to prioritize their budget and functionalities. Our commitment to data-driven decision-making resonated with the client, culminating in a detailed report that met the CEO's expectations.

The Results

After a year of collaboration, the results speak for themselves. By focusing on the most critical 10-20 stories, we empowered our client to meet their launch deadline, saving them over $500,000 in delivering those stories without counting the additional stress that would be put on the company if the functionality wasn’t achieved in time for the release. The two-faced app, designed for pharmacists and patients, is now tracking to facilitate seamless interactions, allowing appointments, medication refills, and crucial notifications about medication side effects and allergies. The CEO, product managers, and head of product development expressed immense satisfaction with the project's outcome.

Need Help Determining if Your Project Utilization is Cost-Effective?

Are you grappling with budget constraints and the critical need for a seamless product release in healthcare software development? Unlock the potential of our expertise to streamline your project budgeting and ensure a timely and successful digital transformation. Contact our team today to explore how we can empower your journey toward an efficient and patient-centric healthcare solution.

Streamlining Nithio’s Data Pipeline Using Databricks

Nithio needed to scale their data infrastructure, to sustain both their business development and their AI R&D initiatives that help bring Africa closer to universal energy access.

Using our data engineering experience, we helped Nithio apply ModelOps concepts and switch to Databricks, thus adding structure into their data flows, building reliable data pipelines, and bringing all the data into one place, allowing their data scientists to focus on improving algorithms and delivering valuable insights to stakeholders.

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A full system upgrade, without unpleasant surprises? Yes, it’s possible.

This Vitamin customer needed to upgrade the software components that power their platform, with minimal disruptions to their activity. We put our engineering, reverse-engineering and communication skills to good use and prepared a detailed plan for the upgrade and subsequent QA.

Our approach provided transparency and predictability, which translated into minimal involvement and a more manageable stress level for our customer, for a typically daunting task.

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Building a product is less risky when you have a robust tech plan

Medicine Value Partners was preparing to build a tool that would provide a global perspective on how medicines are sourced, produced and distributed, based on ratings and analytics developed by their experts.

To demonstrate the tool's technical merit, feasibility, and commercial potential, MVP partnered with Vitamin Software to create the technical plan that described all the necessary steps for scaling and automating MVP's data and insights.

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Transitioning to a new vendor doesn’t have to be complicated

SquashSkills needed a new technical partner that would ensure their online squash coaching platform kept up with business requirements and users’ needs. Leveraging our team’s communication skills and CTO capabilities, we prepared a detailed action plan and performed a smooth transition from the previous vendor. We then used our reverse-engineering skills to quickly become familiar with the custom platform and take it to the next level.

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How Vitamin partnered with IFPRI to scale an Investment Analyser that reached critical mass

IFPRI developed the Agricultural Investment for Development Analyzer (AIDA) – an innovative tool that helps governments and analysts design agricultural investment plans. Vitamin Software expanded AIDA to additional countries and provided a replicable process for IFPRI to manage the increase of country implementations.

This enabled IFPRI to grow AIDA from a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) to a flexible platform tailored to the governments' needs.

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How Vitamin Software Helped Thread Buy Clothes Just-in-Time

Thread (backed by YCombinator in 2012) is an e-commerce platform that uses Artificial Intelligence to innovate the online shopping experience. Using various methods to gather information about their customers’ fashion style preferences, Thread sends personalised outfit ideas that can be purchased directly by consumers.

To make the most of their business model, Thread uses a Just-In-Time (JIT) buying strategy that allows them to keep inventory costs to a minimum. Thread partnered with Vitamin to build intelligent robots using Robotic Process Automation that perform the task of buying products from some of their suppliers.

Vitamin Software helped set up, operate, and maintain JIT Shoppers that transfer orders placed by customers on Thread’s website further to suppliers, decreasing costs, delays, and errors. In addition, Vitamin Software optimized the ordering process for each supplier, lowering Thread’s shipping costs.

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