Your Startup's Engine for Enterprise Integration

Leading a startup is like sailing a ship. Initially, startups must navigate through the choppy surf of building out a customer base and developing a minimum viable product.

To break out of the surf and into the open ocean of financial and operational stability, startups must successfully navigate partnership with enterprise-level clients.

But enterprise partnerships come with a big challenge: integration of your product with their systems.

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How Agile should you be in healthcare IT?

When planning a software engineering project, companies are often presented with a choice: pursue a deliberate (yet slow-moving) approach, or pursue a more agile (and more risky) development process.

At Vitamin, we say: Why not apply the best of both worlds?

The Vitamin Engagement Model represents our framework for building, operating, and maintaining software products. You share your company’s ambitions, and we provide a project proposal with a fixed cost and precise time frame.

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RPM: Integrating Their Data Sources into Your Infrastructure

An estimated 30% of the world’s data is generated by the healthcare industry. At Vitamin Software, we’re confident that the amount of information generated by telehealth – in particular remote patient monitoring (RPM) – will only grow in size.

The only question is: How rapidly can organizations integrate RPM data with electronic health records (EHRs) and physician workflows?

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Vitamin Software is Now SOC 2 Certified

In an interconnected world, protecting against cyber threats is more important than ever. At Vitamin, we know that our customers thrive in safe and secure environments. For this reason, we use enterprise-grade best practices to protect our and our clients’ data.

To further demonstrate our commitment to information security, we have obtained SOC 2 certification.

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FHIR-ing up Data Interoperability

Just last month, our team participated in the Virtual HL7 FHIR Connectathon. Across three days, more than 600 senior engineers and healthcare specialists shared instances and implementations of FHIR. Much of the focus centered on quality measurement, and ensuring a consistent understanding of FHIR terminology.

We are particularly enthusiastic about the future of FHIR and the value it will bring to our customers.

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Streamlining Nithio’s Data Pipeline Using Databricks

Nithio needed to scale their data infrastructure, to sustain both their business development and their AI R&D initiatives that help bring Africa closer to universal energy access.

Using our data engineering experience, we helped Nithio apply ModelOps concepts and switch to Databricks, thus adding structure into their data flows, building reliable data pipelines, and bringing all the data into one place, allowing their data scientists to focus on improving algorithms and delivering valuable insights to stakeholders.

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A full system upgrade, without unpleasant surprises? Yes, it’s possible.

This Vitamin customer needed to upgrade the software components that power their platform, with minimal disruptions to their activity. We put our engineering, reverse-engineering and communication skills to good use and prepared a detailed plan for the upgrade and subsequent QA.

Our approach provided transparency and predictability, which translated into minimal involvement and a more manageable stress level for our customer, for a typically daunting task.

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Building a product is less risky when you have a robust tech plan

Medicine Value Partners was preparing to build a tool that would provide a global perspective on how medicines are sourced, produced and distributed, based on ratings and analytics developed by their experts.

To demonstrate the tool's technical merit, feasibility, and commercial potential, MVP partnered with Vitamin Software to create the technical plan that described all the necessary steps for scaling and automating MVP's data and insights.

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