Rise and Shine: Launching The Breakfast Club for Project Managers in Healthtech


At Vitamin, we recognize that healthcare technology is complicated but firmly believe project management shouldn’t be. So, we’re building a community to simplify it—and you’re invited.


Behind the Scenes: The Birth of the Breakfast Club

Have you ever faced issues with regulations that made it challenging to integrate your software solution? Or CEO requirements that didn’t align with your engineering team’s capabilities? Such troubles are a day-to-day occurrence for Project Managers in healthcare. But there’s no internal support to address them.


We at Vitamin cooperate with clients’ own Project Managers on SaaS development and deployment. While talking with our new and returning clients, we noticed a need for better assistance to these valuable individuals. That’s why we devised The Breakfast Club.

The Breakfast Club’s designed to address the needs of Project Managers in health technology teams. It’s a collaborative space to share experiences and collectively craft better solutions. It lets us give back to the community, raising the standard of project management in healthcare.


Do You Qualify?

We’re seeking professionals in the healthcare industry who manage projects, divisions, or companies that generate a minimum of $50M in yearly revenue. But your work tasks aren’t the only qualifying factor for The Breakfast Club.

What Can You Expect?

The Breakfast Club is an online weekly meet-up. It consists of several of Vitamin’s experts and six hand-picked participants from other organizations.


The meetings are open discussions about topics that matter to healthcare Project Managers. Here are some that we identified as relevant:

  • Inter-team communication. Because without clear communication, you’re trying to juggle disjointed teams and predict potential pitfalls with no input.

  • Timeline management. Balancing your leadership needs with your engineers' realistic abilities is hard. As Project Managers, we are go-betweens, and the timelines we set speak volumes of our capabilities.

  • Deadlines (and saying no to impossible ones). Meeting deadlines paints a picture of capability and reliability. But so does refusing unrealistic timelines, and that’s easier said than done.

  • Setting clear expectations. Not communicating the plan puts you at risk of confrontations, frustration, and last-minute changes.

  • Regulations that may disrupt software projects. Navigating healthcare compliance and regulations requires a strategy. One that you may lack but another club participant might’ve already developed.

  • Stakeholder demands and scope creep. Otherwise, the demands keep piling up without a deadline or budget shift.

There’s a troubleshooting session at the end of each meeting. This section is an opportunity to share the problematic aspects of your current projects and analyze them with the help of others. The group brainstorms ways to solve your issue and get the timeline back on track.

Each group has six participants, with Vitamin team members. Why do we keep the groups so small? To keep things contained and personalize the meeting contents for optimal value. This isn’t your ordinary Zoom call; it’s an opportunity for strategic collaboration.


Ready to Join the Club?

The Breakfast Club is an exclusive opportunity to improve as a Project Manager. It gives you access to industry peers and the experts that make up Vitamin. Sign up for early access and become a member as soon as we launch it.