We are trusted, reliable partners


We offer end-to-end technology solutions for companies in regulated industries. A selection of our clients are listed below.

Aventi Health →

New York, NY

Aventi required a compliant 340B Contract Pharmacy Technology Solution. We built a revenue-generating platform from the ground up.


Troy Medicare →

Charlotte, NC

Troy operates in a strictly-regulated ecosystem. We built a secure data warehousing solution to support operational excellence.


Fraym →

Washington, DC

We assisted with build-outs of Fraym’s initial SaaS GIS product versions, and mentored the internal technical team responsible for long-term product maintenance.



Washington, DC

IFPRI provides research-based policy solutions for international development. We have partnered on a number of projects, including DREAMpy, AIDA and the Food Security Portal.

SquashSkills Created with Sketch.

SquashSkills →

Bristol, UK

SquashSkills needed to break out of vendor lock-in. We supported a downtime-free transition, and supported marketing initiatives to inform better business decisions.


Thread →

London, UK

Thread needed to solve two classic retail problems: sourcing and shopping inventory. We built intelligent robots that optimize delivery times, minimize shipping costs, and can interact with the operations team.


Amplicare →

New York, NY

Amplicare needed a product that could seamlessly integrate into client daily workflows. We developed a solution that now operates across thousands of pharmacies across the US.


How can we work together?