RPM: Integrating Their Data Sources into Your Infrastructure

An estimated 30% of the world’s data is generated by the healthcare industry. At Vitamin Software, we’re confident that the amount of information generated by telehealth – in particular remote patient monitoring (RPM) – will only grow in size.

The only question is: How rapidly can organizations integrate RPM data with electronic health records (EHRs) and physician workflows?

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Streamlining Nithio’s Data Pipeline Using Databricks

Nithio needed to scale their data infrastructure, to sustain both their business development and their AI R&D initiatives that help bring Africa closer to universal energy access.

Using our data engineering experience, we helped Nithio apply ModelOps concepts and switch to Databricks, thus adding structure into their data flows, building reliable data pipelines, and bringing all the data into one place, allowing their data scientists to focus on improving algorithms and delivering valuable insights to stakeholders.

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