How Agile should you be in healthcare IT?

When planning a software engineering project, companies are often presented with a choice: pursue a deliberate (yet slow-moving) approach, or pursue a more agile (and more risky) development process.

At Vitamin, we say: Why not apply the best of both worlds?

The Vitamin Engagement Model represents our framework for building, operating, and maintaining software products. You share your company’s ambitions, and we provide a project proposal with a fixed cost and precise time frame.

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Vitamin Software Launches Support Program for Women Entrepreneurs

We want to pay it forward to women that have inspired us, and encourage more women entrepreneurs and executives to join the ranks of the disruptors and innovators. As a result, effective immediately, we’re launching a support program for tech companies that are either women-owned or employ C-level female executives.

Our promise is simple: we’ll deploy the full power of the Vitamin machinery behind your idea / prototype (and we do have a very solid track record!), so that you can focus on growing your business and becoming successful.

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Vitamin’s 5th Birthday

Vitamin Software builds, operates and maintains robust and secure data integration between 2 systems. Our team is experienced with regulated environments (financial services, healthcare, legal). Vitamin Software is an Amazon Web Services (AWS) Partner Network Select Consulting Partner.

Over the past 5 years, we’ve learned three important lessons:

1. People Matter Most

2. It’s Never Simple Enough

3. Customers Don’t Want Code, They Want Products that Work

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