Vitamin’s 5th Birthday


This month, Vitamin Software is celebrating our 5th birthday!

When we started 5 years ago, we didn’t have a name, a website, or a team – let alone money to buy a bottle of champagne. The trust of our customers and partners, and the unbelievable grit and determination of our team, make today possible.

Photography by Samson

At Vitamin, we are keen on drawing lessons from experience. In the past five years, there are three key things that we have learned:


People Matter Most

Building a business and the software around it cannot be done without good, hard-working, motivated people. Vitamin and partner teams’ abilities to navigate professional challenges – and global pandemics – enable the creation of new and valuable solutions.

It’s easy to always be in a rush to get more done, but just as important to cherish the people around us. Without the people, nothing like this would be possible!


It’s Never Simple Enough

It may seem counter-intuitive, but we often spend hours encouraging clients to simplify their technical goals. Simply “doing what we’re asked” may be simpler and more lucrative.

But our mantra of “simplifying software systems to the bare essentials“ has proven time and again to be a valuable investment. We have found starting small and scaling up to be better for our customer’s long-term financial success, as well as our own.


Customers Don’t Want Code, They Want Products that Work

One of our first customers requested a phone number where we could be reached 24/7 in case of an emergency. While we immediately provided the number, we spent years understanding the depth of their request.

During the past 5 years, we’ve worked hard to ensure that we don’t just deliver code: we deliver a working system that solves customer needs. This involves building a team that defines “done” as launching tools that can solve customer problems in real-time, along with documentation and monitoring systems for the client’s peace-of-mind.


What’s next?

For the next 5 years, we will be focusing on building, operating and maintaining robust and secure data integration solutions.

We have already become an Amazon Web Services (AWS) Partner Network Select Consulting Partner, and will be publishing case studies on a regular basis. Here’s one: KL Legal Technology partners with Vitamin Software to deliver secure, real-time legal opinions.


Thank you again for joining us on this journey, and here’s to the next 5 years!
