Vitamin Software Launches Support Program for Women Entrepreneurs


On Monday, March 8, the world celebrates International Women’s Day. This year, the world celebrates the impact of women as community organizers, caregivers, innovators, and first responders during the global pandemic.

What do startups and product development have in common with this celebration? Quite a lot, actually!


After being part of the startup ecosystem for more than 10 years, I can confirm that the women we celebrate today are the true embodiment of the entrepreneurial spirit.

These women fight with admirable tenacity for their rights.

These women are often charismatic storytellers, inspiring people around them to join the empowerment and equality movement.

These women are leaders, not just managers, helping people find a purpose and encouraging innovative ideas.

These women have bent the rules if it was for the greater good, from attending school illegally, to refusing to stand down when menaced by violence.


As an ecosystem, we all need more of this in our day-to-day. We all need role models and sources of inspiration, no matter if we are employees, managers, leaders, or entrepreneurs.

In my startup journey over the past 10 years, one of my greatest sources of inspiration were the women I’ve met along the way. Along with their grit and intelligence, many brought a level of empathy and thoughtfulness to the table that made the difference. As an entrepreneur, some of my best decisions I made incorporated empathy and thoughtfulness that I learned from women leaders around me.

portrait of madeleine gleave

“As a small startup team, it can be challenging to navigate how best to build and scale our product. Vitamin has supported us in not only executing on projects but also helping us adopt workflows and set goals that make everything we do more effective.”

— Madeleine Gleave, Chief Data Scientist at Nithio


We want to pay it forward to women that have inspired us, and encourage more women entrepreneurs and executives to join the ranks of the disruptors and innovators.

As a result, effective immediately, we’re launching a support program for tech companies that are either women-owned or employ C-level female executives.1 Our promise is simple: we’ll deploy the full power of the Vitamin machinery behind your idea / prototype (and we do have a very solid track record!), so that you can focus on growing your business and becoming successful.


As part of this program, in addition to our typical Product Development services, we’re offering:

  • a 15% discount (off our standard rates) for the first 2 months of working with Vitamin

  • the monthly ability to use our Managing Partners as a living human library - ask them questions, or ask them to share their own experiences

We need the next generation of female leaders to take our ecosystem to the next level. Here’s to you!

— Andrei & the Vitamins.


1 This offer applies to all tech companies that are either women owned (more than 25% of the business) or employ a woman as a C-level executive. The company should sign up for Vitamin's services between March 8 - April 8, 2021.