How Vitamin Software Helped Thread Buy Clothes Just-in-Time

Thread (backed by YCombinator in 2012) is an e-commerce platform that uses Artificial Intelligence to innovate the online shopping experience. Using various methods to gather information about their customers’ fashion style preferences, Thread sends personalised outfit ideas that can be purchased directly by consumers.

To make the most of their business model, Thread uses a Just-In-Time (JIT) buying strategy that allows them to keep inventory costs to a minimum. Thread partnered with Vitamin to build intelligent robots using Robotic Process Automation that perform the task of buying products from some of their suppliers.

Vitamin Software helped set up, operate, and maintain JIT Shoppers that transfer orders placed by customers on Thread’s website further to suppliers, decreasing costs, delays, and errors. In addition, Vitamin Software optimized the ordering process for each supplier, lowering Thread’s shipping costs.

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