Vitamin Software is now Cyber Essentials Plus certified


With the Cyber Essentials Plus certification, Vitamin Software proves that we walk the talk: you can rest assured that we deploy all the necessary defences to keep your data safe.


Why do you lock your door when you leave your house? Because you want to keep your belongings safe, and don’t want anyone going in without your permission. Whether you’re afraid someone may steal your stuff or just like to keep your personal life private, there are many obvious reasons to not leave your door unlocked.

Now, imagine you’re an organisation that is building a product. Your most valuable possession is data – or the new oil, as it is referred to by major financial publications. You wouldn't trust just anyone to access your code and use or even see your data, would you? Everyone in your company and all of your business partners, especially companies you outsource activities to, should have a strong “door lock”: an effective defense system that protects sensitive information.


But why does Vitamin Software care so much about information security? Because our clients do. We work with companies that have just grown out of the prototype phase, and don’t use dummy data anymore. When our customers outsource product development to us, they trust us with their source code and real, sensitive, oftentimes protected data.

We help our clients take their MVP to Product-Market Fit by developing their product and ensuring that their infrastructure is robust, secure, and compliant. We create a space where clients know their intellectual property is safe, so they can focus on the essentials: building a solid business and generating revenue.

That’s why we at Vitamin Software are very serious about cybersecurity. And when we say serious, we mean Cyber Essentials Plus-serious. We are constantly working to improve the security measures that protect us and our customers. Earning the Cyber Essentials Plus certification is just one step in our journey.

So what does this mean for you? You can trust Vitamin Software to take your product to the next level. Our success stories demonstrate our team’s technical skills and industry knowledge. We now also possess third-party recognition of Vitamin Software’s comprehensive ecosystem that keeps your data safe. The Cyber Essentials Plus certificate confirms that we have both the technical practices and policy frameworks in place that secure our devices and networks, update our software, implement robust security procedures, and train our staff on cybersecurity matters.

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Oh, and did we mention we have a Chief Information Security Officer (CISO)? With over 15 years of experience in the field, our CISO defines and implements Vitamin Software’s vision and strategy on cybersecurity. Our CISO is responsible for protecting our proprietary information and assets, including the data of our clients. But that’s not all: our CISO also proactively identifies potential security risks and applies risk mitigation measures. We have procedures and policies in place that protect company communications, systems, and assets from information technology threats.


If you’re handling patient, legal, or consumer data, you too should care about cybersecurity. The Cyber Essentials Plus certificate means Vitamin Software will enable you to focus on the essentials: getting to know your market and delivering value to your customers. The customer leads and we drive the product to follow, until the time is right to hand it back over to the customer.

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